Sunday, 10 November 2013

Leaves have fallen at my feet...

Happy Sunday, Everyone :)

Hope you're all having a nice weekend? I'm lucky enough to be back home with my family for a few days. Today has been a lovely day. Partly because I really liked my outfit (here is an outfit post showing my tights, as promised - I've been wearing them all day and they are still ridiculously comfortable) and partly because we went to a lovely garden centre out in the countryside and my dad bought me the cutest blazer. I know, clothes from a garden centre sound weird but it's this lovely English heritage styled tweed blazer and it looks cool. I am determined to do an outfit post with it over the next few days. I think you'll like it.

This evening, me and my family plan to try out our new fire pit by roasting marshmallows and making s'mores, followed by fireworks. I'm definitely going to have to put some more clothes on though. I was freezing in tights. They are a lot colder than wearing jeans or leggings.

So in the outfit I am wearing, my dress, tights and scarf are from Primark, shoes are from Newlook and my cardigan is from Evans.

Let me know your thoughts on the pictures above and what you've been up to this weekend :)


Courtney Erin said...

I love that dress!!!! It's seriously so cute and perfect with that cardigan. What a great fall outfit.

Courtney ~ Sartorial Sidelines

Sandra said...

This is such a pretty outfit! I love how the two prints work together and I'm totally obsessed with that shade of green at the moment. :D

Unknown said...

great post! love the prints, very trendy. would you like to follow eachother?

Unknown said...

love the color of your lipstick!

Katy Mage said...

Awesome look! ^^ Love your dress!

Wanna follow each other? :)


Ester Durães said...

such a lovely outfit! I love the mix of prints from your dress and scarf, you nailed it! :)
Ester @ Drawing Dreaming

Unknown said...

you look so pretty, love the prints together!

Unknown said...

What a lovely outfit. You look wonderful and I really love that dress paired with the olive green cardigan and plaid scarf.


Vale ♥ said...

The dress is super cute and love the print of your scarf, they look great together ! Kisses

Fashion and Cookies

KV said...

Love the print of your dress! And mmmm, roasted marshmallows sound so good! xo

Marsa said...

so gorgeous! love the green and the plaid
you can never go wrong with a cute plaid scarf <3


The DayLee Journal

Maddie said...

That is such a beautiful dress, I like it a lot mostly because of the nice and unique print! :)
This looks like a really great autumn outfit & I like the fact that you wore that cardigan over the dress! :)

Gem said...

love these photos and love your hair, very 60s x

LyddieGal said...

I love a little monochromatic print mix, and your dress is just adorable!
Chic on the Cheap