On an impulse, I went shopping after lectures. On the same impulse, I bought myself these amazing shoes. I can't stop looking at them. As most of you will know, I freakin' LOVE galaxy print and have been searching for an inexpensive accessory to channel the Christopher Kane look. Well, it was worth the wait. So I'm guessing you will want to know where they are from. Newlook. You were thinking Topshop right? They cost £9.99 but with my student discount cost me only £8.99. Cannot wait to show you what I wear them with! The pictures above were taken in my Uni room with my camera, hence they boring backdrop. I thought the pictures were still pretty cool though? I hope you agree.
On a side note: I have been awful with blogging since I have been at Uni. For this I am truly sorry. I love my blog, my readers and your blogs. I just need to sort out my time management, but I will get there.