So the Summer is fast approaching and I am starting to build up my make-up collection for my holiday next month. Barry M is always an obvious choice because it is bright, young and totally within my price range. Everywhere I look are beautifully peachy colours and for the last few weeks I have been trying to find the best peach lipstick! However, the other day, whilst browsing the Very website, I stumbled across the perfect lip stick. Having the nicest Mother in the whole world, she very kindly bought it for me. Well it arrived this morning and viola! you are now talking to a fashion obsessed girl with perfectly peachy lips.
In the two last pictures, I also wanted to showcase another Barry M product we purchased at the same time. Its an amazing liquid eye-liner that looks like a pen and creates the easiest of lines. Both are such great products! To find out more about my make-up, visit 'My make-up bag' at the top of this page.
(Honestly, these pictures took me ages! I wanted to put an effective filter on them to add a bit more of a fashion edge to the photos but without compromising the colour of the lipstick. I hope it worked. I hope you liked them?)
Anyway, let me know what your thoughts on this post? What shade lipstick do you plan to wear this Summer?