Just checking in with you all. Letting you know I am still alive and haven't abandoned my blog. It has been raining outside, hailing in fact! but here I am tucked up in my warm house. When I go to University I will miss Sundays at home. I decided it would be nice to share with you a few of my Sunday traditions and also find out some of yours!
On Sundays I usually...
have a lay-in, receive a call from my Sister in Australia, watch homely television, have a lovely roast dinner (cooked by my Mum), wear warm socks straight from the tumble dryer, watch films, read books and then settle down each night with a cup of tea to get a dose of True-Blood. Somewhere in the midst of all of this, a couple of family arguments will occur! I can't imagine I will miss them too much. So yes, that is how it goes down in my house hold most Sundays. Even though I am 19, I would rather be with my family than my friends on Sundays; it is the only day we are all together. I guess when I am at Uni I will try and create a few traditions of my own so things don't feel too lonely! I am sure it will make coming home even more special.
Also on a side note: I was going to wear my new jumper but haven't ventured out because of the rain. It felt like a waste wearing it today! so I will include it in an outfit post this week. Cannot wait to see what you all think of it.
Happy Sunday Everyone! What are your Sunday traditions?

Sounds like a good Sunday! I also have a family day...breakfast (pancakes), church, late lunch and depending on the weather...movies, shopping, chores, laundry, homework...no timelines and relaxing. Can't wait til SUMMER VACAY!
Thank you for the Comment ,you have a lovely Blog ,i follow :)
Nice Greetings from Austria ♡
traditions are definitely not my thing. usually I work like a mad person on Sunday because it is the last day of the week and the last chance to get everything done in my house/garden/my grandparents's place etc. last night I was so tired that I moved around like a zombie :D
I'm glad you have the chance to enjoy some vacation time on Sundays :)
Maikeni blogi - part of me
Family is very important for me I love spending my sunday with my family too it's like a tradition even though we don't do all the things you guys do in your family lol seriously I understand what you mean when I think about the day I'll leave the house I know these are the things I'm gonna miss the most.
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