Are New Years Resolutions worth making? I don't know. I seem to make the same ones every year which means of course, that I repeatedly fail. I guess it gives you inspiration for the beginning of the year, like, ''this year is going to be different, better'' but ultimately it is the things we don't do that we dwell on rather than the things we really have accomplished. I can easily sit here and list all of the things I wish I had done in 2011, moan about the way things should have turned out but 2011 is the
past. It's just another year. We have to accept it and move on to 2012. I have decided to share 11 of my greatest achievements from last year - What did you achieve in 2011?
1. I travelled around Australia for 9 weeks, my biggest achievement. |
2. I have flown right round to the other side of the world alone. Little me, a big plane, thousands of miles and a Big Wide World. |
3. I got through the dread of college and passed my exams (then went partying!). |
4. I have worked hard on my blog in the last few months and feel excited for the year ahead. |
5. I finally went Ice Skating!! |
6. I grew up and learnt to enjoy my own company (days down on the beach; just me, myself and I) |
7. I snorkeled on the Great Barrier Reef! (A picture we took with our underwater camera)
7. My style has become more experimental, I even started doing outfit posts! |
9. I met the cast of Home and Away, had my photo taken with a handsome Australian man and watched them filming a Soap I have grown up with!
10. I have read some beautiful books this year, a crazy amount really. A Thousand Splendid Suns being the best.
(I do not own this image)
11. I have created some great memories with important people. Holidays, trips, birthdays and nights out.
Let me know your highlights and achievements of 2011!! No negativity...
Thank-you for reading,
Those are some wonderful accomplishments! Wishing you all the best in the coming year!
What a great year you've had! Wishing you more adventures and travels to come!
looks like you've had a great year and an amazing time in australia!
i've reached half a million hits on my blog, overcome a serious illness and decided on my career choice! aaaah. and had some seriously good road trips and good times with my friends and family!
i've got loads for this year though!
Happy New Year! You've got a lovely blog :)
So much nostalgia in this post! I personally don't believe in making New Year's resolutions because I think if you want to start something, you should just do it regardless of what day it is.
Hope you had a lovely new year!
I love this.. looking back on the past year. Reminds me of all the events of the past year.
wow you have really accomplished alot in 2011! I wish you accomplish even more, keep doing your blog, be happy, Happy New Year! :) Much love. xx
I totally enjoyed that post since it's lovely to see how cool someone's year can be. my year went by so quickly that I didn't even notice, haha. I guess it wasn't the best year but I'm happy I and my boyfriend were able to overhaul several rooms in our house :)
btw, you asked about my newest manicure. I actually have a manicurist and I visit her after every two months. my nails are real luckily and I can say she used those tiny half moon shaped thingies and some silver glitter and red glitter to achieve the result you saw in blog. oh, and she coloured my nail tips with this peach coloured polish for the first thing, before adding the other things. hope it helped you at least a tiny bit ;)
Maikeni blogi - part of me
Wow, what a year! hahaha I'm sure 2012 is going to be even better for you! I hope you have an aazng year, you deserve the bets :)
And keep on trying your best on your blog! It's really nice!
Happy New Year!
xo -A
Looks like you had an amazing year! I hope 2012 will be even better for you! happy new year :)
wow you've done so much! lucky you :D
my year has been all about working :( and travelling! :D
This post is so lovely! I live in Australia, adelaide. But i've never been to Sydney ! Need to do that this year. I've never traveled alone so i praise you highly on that! And i see myself in your followers pic hehe :DD Keep up the outfit posts and experimenting ! It reminds me of how i started out ~
Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog i hope to see more posts from you this yr :D
Its so good to hear from you. I hope your new year is going well, getting ready for more adventures.
Thanks so much for the note. All the best to your writing.
Thank-you for all the comments so far! Great to have some feed back and hear about all your successes this year. Good luck to you all for 2012!
Hailes <3
I achieved my first follower on my blog Envisage (hehe, that was YOU! <3) and got up the gumption to write a few starter posts.
I bit the unpleasant bullet and distanced myself from a friend who was being very abusive and dishonest to me. (It still hurts, but I'm staying strong.)
I redecorated and reorganized my room.
I landed my first nanny job, which is absolute loads of fun. =)
wow travelling around australia amazing x
How wonderful of you! I'm inspired from your very motivational blog posts and achievement. I also love your clothing experiments.
plus size clothing Australia
Amazing post, well written!
love your blog!
Great post! I enjoyed reading it. :)
the pictures are so full of love everything about this post :)
I hope you have a great 2012! God Bless you~~
Sakuranko Blog
My Facebook Fan Page
well done!
Ahhhhh this is so great! i love your blog! you have fantastic taste!
Keep it up :)
i would love it if you could check out my blog, would be an honour! here's the link:
It's fashion damnit
thank you!
I hope you achieve all of these things! And yes, I agree, no negativity! Happy positive new year! x
That's amazing what you've been able to achieve during 2010 it seems like you had so much fun I'm happy for you :)
I want to visit Australia someday!!
Just figured I would drop by and tell you that you are the cutest thing on two legs and I am glad to be following you!
Nice post, I wish you a happy New Year :)
I miss Australia so bad! I was there two years ago for the holidays and I hope I can visit it again soon. :)
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