Tomorrow I am finally off to Australia! I cannot believe how quickly it has come around. It has been so great getting my summer dresses, sun glasses and flip flops back out. I'm heading to Sydney, where my sister Carly lives and even though I am leaving Wednesday 21st September at 22:20pm English time, I don't arrive in Australia until 08:45am Friday morning. However, I am stopping half way in Hong Kong for a few hours, but that only adds like 4 hours to the journey. It just sounds like it will take forever... I'm guessing it will feel the same way too! Besides being nervous and asking myself 'why have you done this?' I am feeling pretty excited. My outfit is sorted and my bags; packed (almost). Most of my good-byes have been said and now it's just left to saying goodbye to my parents and my brothers. Its going to be worth it though I am sure. Anyway, I obviously wont be posting for the next couple of days and haven't posted as recently as I would have normally liked because of being so busy, sorry! When I get there and settle in, I will post pictures from my sisters birthday out in Sydney and finally get the chance to wear my new red dress!
Thank you for reading!

wow, you are a lucky girl!! :) I would LOVE to visit Australia one day.. (*dreaming*)
good luck with everything and I hope you'll post many awesome photos from your trip ;)
Hope your having a great time lovely! x
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